This paper attempts to clarify the concepts and principles of citizen economic empowerment.
Empowerment has been at the centre of a shift in thinking about economic development as a re sponse to the failure of modernisation and trickle down economics. To be empowered, it is impor tant to be aware of one's own capabilities and creative energies. Empowerment is as much about
taking charge of the process of making decisions, as it is about the achievement of empowerment
goals. Government, therefore, should not impose empowerment from above, because
empowerment has to be an objective the individual must strive to achieve. There is a difference
between entitlements (hand-outs) and empowerment. International experience shows that enti tlements create dependency. In discussing who needs to be empowered, the paper argues for the
empowerment of those who are disempowered, including the disabled, children, the elderly,
women, the poor, and the unemployed. Because education and training are fundamental to citi zen economic empowerment, they should be reformed to promote creativity and competitiveness.
Finally, the paper provides a definition and an operational strategy for achieving citizen eco nomic empowerment in Botswana.