Data requirements and methodologies for Multi-Country Research : A paper presented at the Workshop on Developing an African Research Agenda for accelerating development in Sub-Saharan Africa held in Harare, Zimbabwe, March 23-26, 1997

Show simple item record Isaksen, Jan 2021-06-14T11:11:12Z 2021-06-14T11:11:12Z 1997-03
dc.description.abstract This paper, presenting data and methodology for coooperation at national, regional and continental levels in research, discusses the need to consider possible constraints facing individual research institutions when making a move towards cooperation. Some constraints are identified, including finance, institutional dependence, institutional interests, the extent of emphasis on capacity building, data availability and work load. The case of Botswana (economic transition) and that of BIDPA (programme) are used to illustrate main points in the discussion. The paper concludes that there is need for international cooperation to build on national priority research; that there is advantage in setting up national interlinked programmes for research; and that while the time is ripe for cooperation, the key to building multi-country research depends on the efficiency of usage for information technology. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis(BIDPA) en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BIDPA Working Paper;8
dc.subject Research en_US
dc.subject Regional cooperation en_US
dc.subject Economic performance en_US
dc.subject Botswana en_US
dc.title Data requirements and methodologies for Multi-Country Research : A paper presented at the Workshop on Developing an African Research Agenda for accelerating development in Sub-Saharan Africa held in Harare, Zimbabwe, March 23-26, 1997 en_US
dc.title.alternative BIDPA Working Paper No. 8 en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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