How Non-Diamond Exports Respond to Exchange Rate Volatility in Botswana

Show simple item record Motsatsi, Johane 2021-09-10T15:02:22Z 2021-09-10T15:02:22Z 2020
dc.identifier.isbn 99912 65 85 6
dc.description The series comprises of papers which reflect work in progress, which may be of interest to researchers and policy makers, or of a public education character. Working papers may already have been published elsewhere or may appear in other publications. en_US
dc.description.abstract This paper estimates the impact of exchange rate volatility on non-diamond exports in Botswana using an Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. The model used quarterly data for the period 1995-2018, to estimate both the long and short run dynamics. The estimated results show that real GDP in the non-diamond sector, GDP growth of OECD countries, transport investment and water & electricity investment have a positive impact on non-diamond exports. While the lending interest rate, inflation differentials, exchange rate volatility and misalignment impact non-diamond exports negatively. The findings indicate that the coefficients with respect to the exchange rate volatility in both models are relatively low, suggesting that it has not had harmful impacts on non-diamond exports. This reflects the emphasis given to a stable and competitive exchange rate that will attract increased foreign demand which, as a result, could lead to export diversification. However, Botswana’s export structure is still undiversified, despite efforts made to diversify the sector. To achieve the national objectives of sustainable export and economic diversification, the policy should continue encouraging a stable and competitive exchange rate. Other policies intended to boost export growth should focus on: expanding the production base of the non-diamond sector, committing more investment in the transport sector, and improving water & electricity infrastructure. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship BIDPA en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Working Paper;77
dc.subject Non-diamond exports; Exchange rate volatility; Botswana en_US
dc.title How Non-Diamond Exports Respond to Exchange Rate Volatility in Botswana en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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