Impact of HIV/AIDS and Options for Intervention Results of a Five Company Pilot Study

Show simple item record Greener, Robert 2021-06-08T10:49:54Z 2021-06-08T10:49:54Z 1997-08
dc.description.abstract The paper presents the results of a study of the impact of HIV/AIDS on a sample of five companies in Botswana. It shows that the impact to date has been small, as a result of the fact that the HIV epidemic in Botswana is recent, and has not yet developed into an AIDS epidemic characterized by widespread sickness and mortality. The paper concludes with recommendations of measures that can be taken by companies to manage and mitigate the present and future impacts of HIV/AIDS. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis(BIDPA) en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BIDPA Working Paper;10
dc.subject HIV en_US
dc.subject AIDS en_US
dc.subject Private sector en_US
dc.subject Africa en_US
dc.title Impact of HIV/AIDS and Options for Intervention Results of a Five Company Pilot Study en_US
dc.title.alternative BIDPA Working Paper No. 10 en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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