Determinants of Service Sector Growth in Botswana

Show simple item record Raboloko, Mpho 2021-06-08T11:34:03Z 2021-06-08T11:34:03Z 2018-03
dc.identifier.isbn 99912-65-63-5
dc.description.abstract This study examines the factors affecting service sector growth and development in Botswana. Using annual time series data from 1980 to 2015, the study employs the auto regressive distributed lag (ARDL) estimation technique to identify the factors that contribute to service sector growth. The results show that gross national expenditure, domestic credit to the private sector and gross fixed capital formation contribute positively to the growth of the service sector in Botswana. However, trade openness is found to negatively impact the growth of service sector in the country. The policy implication of the results is that in formulating service oriented policies, government should focus on factors that augment the growth of services sector. Specifically, government should increase spending on the service sector and its sub-sectors. Also, the banking sector should avail credit to the private sector as this is essential for the growth and development of the service sector. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis(BIDPA) en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries BIDPA Working Paper;56
dc.subject Service Sector en_US
dc.subject Co-integration en_US
dc.subject Error Correction Model en_US
dc.subject ARDL en_US
dc.title Determinants of Service Sector Growth in Botswana en_US
dc.title.alternative BIDPA Working Paper 56 en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US

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